Tuesday, February 10, 2009

She's a Pirate!

Kat's Journey includes some new happens! Sorry it's taken so long to post. Today (Tues, Feb 10, 2009) the occupational therapist order Kathy to wear a patch over her right eye when she reads, watches tv ... BUT NOT when she walks (balancing issues). So right now she's a pirate!

Other than that, she's been working on a new electronic stimulus device to help curb her tone. Her arm, wrist and hand relax quite well with this new device. The OT is trying to get one, cost-free for Kathy so it will stimulate her muscles in her arm to relax and her hand to not tone up tight. It is a very costly unit, but the OT and the company rep believe it is availble to her.
Walking is only hindered by her leg muscles toning up at times. When that occurs, it feels like she is no longer tight in her leg/ankle brace which gives her the stability she needs and the lack of drop foot. Without tone and a good fit she walks very normal-like. When she began walking, she would lift the leg from the hip but now she looks like she walks with her leg even with a slight knee bend!

So, she is getting around (even in this winter-type tundra of ice, snow and wind), going to the pool for therapy and working through eyesight and brain connection testing. We have much to be thankful for. Thanks for joining in on giving God thanks (as well as friends and her therapist, Melanie). Visit back soon for more on the journey!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back to the Pool

After a two month absence, Kat returned to the pool at the Pemi-Baker Aquatic Center in Plymouth (across from where Mike works at Walmart. You may recall she was coming home from the pool back in October and walked on a root causing her foot to turn and fracturing her ankle (her bad foot without her leg brace). Last month, she was given the "all-good" to return to the pool, but finances wouldn't allow pool membership and the weekly visit at Healthsouth. Since Mike's health plan goes back into effect this month, he can afford the monthly dues for membership at the pool again ... so she returned today!

The cold and wind has kept her inside most of the time, but she has found a spot to walk where it's safe and a bit out of the wind. It's at the Hannaford shopping center where she can walk from Hannaford's to Marshall's protected by the hall walls and a nice clear walkway.

Last year, Kat was recovering from her injury and a bit unsteady so we decided to run the wood stove on occasion instead of using it as our main source of heat. Amazingly, Kat has strengthened to the place where she is now able to keep the fire stoked and the house warm. Mike was able to get wood from a friend and the price is the best around! It's now 12 degrees and the wind is blowing at around 25mph, and we are warm and toasty in our home!

So there's the update! Come back to learn more of journey!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She's Still Doing It!

Here is the evidence of Kat's hand usage! She is doing a great job! Melanie is her Occupational Therapist and has great hope for Kathy's relearning to use her hand.

With the Saebo FLEX on she tightens her hand around a ball ...

Picks it up ...

And then releases it!

So, it takes time but is a great encouragement to see how she does it. Mel even has Kat try to get the ball without the FLEX and with some difficulty, she does it! We've got to learn how to take video with our camera ... but we did video her today on the cell phone. If we can find a way to convert it to the "blog" file, we'll post those soon! Thanks for your prayers and love support! MORE TO COME!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Today Kathy was able to use the SaeboFLEX at her therapy session and she picked up and dropped balls with her left hand! This hand has done nothing since her stroke in late April of 2007. This is a tremendous, significant achievement! Mel (the OT) came and got me (as I usually study in the cafeteria during her sessions) so I could see the achievement. When Kat finished her session, Mel told me that Kathy even picked a ball up after she took off the FLEX! Hey! This is BIG! Hard work, perserverance and the prayers of many have brought this along. Thank you, Lord. Thank you dear friends! Thanks, Melanie!
Next week, I'll bring my camera and we'll take those pictures. Keep connected. More of Kat's Journey coming!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Day @ Therapy!

Kat had a great day at her therapy session at HealthSouth in Concord today. Her Occupation Therapist Melanie, saw some great improvement with Kathy's left hand stretch. For a few months now, she has been wearing an arm/hand splint to keep her hand outstretched. She naturally (since her hand has been paralyzed these past 18 months) clamps up into a sort of fist. The plastic splints were more of a problem than a help but this special splint called the "SAEBO Stretch" (see below) has been the perfect solution for Kathy's tightened hands.

We purchased the "stretch" so Kat wears it at night and a few hours during the day. Mel says Kathy has improved enough to begin using the SaeboFLEX. It looks like a mechanical hand... but it aids in retraining the brain to flex the hand and fingers. So next Tuesday (yes, election day), Kat will be trying out this device working the hand to pick up and drop rubber balls. This is an exciting turn of events. See the photo below:

As you can see in the picture, the patient has a ball grasped in his hand. This is the goal for Kathy. Pick up and grasp the ball then release the ball. We will update you with her progress.


Today, Kathy heard from DHMC in Lebanon where she had been receiving botox treatments to relax the tone (muscle tightening) in her hand and leg. She is scheduled for the next treatment November 10th. Mel has singled out to the Drs. where the muscles are that need treating. So there is a lot of good news in our home today! We are grateful to God for His working in this way!

More coming ... keep connected to the journey!

Friday, October 24, 2008

FINALLY ... An Update!

Much of September (and this month) has been working on Kat's hand at HealthSouth Rehab with OT Mel. We purchased a Saebo Stretch which helps the tone in her arm to keep the hand from always clamping tight.

A few week's ago, Kat was walking in the house after a pool visit. She didn't have her brace on her leg/foot and she twisted her ankle badly. Xrays show she suffered an Alvusion Fracture where the tendon pulled a piece of bone away from the ankle. OUCH! They treat it like a bad sprain. Some of her swelling has really gone down but her tone is really making it difficult for her to walk as it loosens her brace often through the day.

On Monday (Oct 20), we travelled to Boston Medical Center to visit Kathy's oldest sister Barb. All her siblings and her Mom were there. Barb is having difficulty breathing and the meds she is being given don't seem to help. Barb appears to be in discomfort. We are praying for God's healing for her.

It was a long trip for Kat, even considering the next morning she had to go to Concord for her visit at HealthSouth with Mel. She is doing amazing as she goes on this journey. More to come! Keep tuned!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to the Pool!

Kathy has taken off pool therapy during July and August. She did some at the pool in Concord @ HealthSouth. Beginning in early September, she'll be going back to Pemi-Baker Aquatic Center in Plymouth three days a week. She is looking forward to getting back to work.

At HealthSouth this past week, Kat worked on more vision exercises to get back to driving. She is advancing as she practices all the time at home. On our way back home, we were passed by a Honda Element (see picture). As the car went by, Mike noticed a note in the corner of the back window and it said this: "YOU'VE JUST BEEN PASSED BY A TOASTER!" What a good laugh we had on that on! And, you know, I appreciate the cleverness and wit of people and their willingness to share with others, aren't you?
Well, the summer is coming to a close and fall will be coming closer. More of Kat's incredible journey will be posted right here. Come back and visit!